About Doylestown Thrive
Doylestown Thrive, or Doylestown Area Growth Initiative (DAGI), is a 501(c)(3) and non-profit organization in Doylestown, Ohio. Our mission is to beautify, revitalize, and bring economic stability to our downtown.
Thrive was born in 2017 when the Doylestown Business Development Association merged with the Doylestown Area Development Association. Thrive is compromised of representatives from the Chippewa School District, Village of Doylestown, Chippewa Township, and many major civic organizations in town.
The Doylestown Thrive vision is to revitalize downtown Doylestown to preserve the history surroundings and awaken economic possibilities within the village.
Thrive Projects
WinterFest - Completed!
SpringFest - Completed!
Christmas Decorations - Completed!
Establish an Events Coordinator
Decorating Contests - Completed!
Promote and Utilize Doylestown Library
Light Up the Hollow
Chili Cook Off
Movies at the Bandstand
Community Signage Improvements
Social Media Presence and Website
Promote Local Business
Coordinate Events and Share Ideas with Local Community Groups
And more!
Thrive Board Members
Get to Know Us
Harold Rozak
Chris McAnallen
Village of Doylestown
Eric Pandrea
Chippewa Rogues Hollow Nature Preserve and Museum
MaryLou Ledde
Garden Club
Beth Ogg
Chippewa Local Schools
Open Position!
American Legion
Open Position!
Lion's Club
Open Position!
Chippewa Township
Volunteer Staff
Katy Muller, Amy Galehouse, Erin Porter, Dave White, Christina White, Michelle Fike